A Better-For-You Chocolate Chip Cookie! YUM

A Better-For-You Chocolate Chip Cookie! YUM

Laura Noble
Check out this awesome cookie recipe by Lady Jane Gourmet Seed Co. Boost nutrition in your baked goods with Lady Jane's Hemp Flour or Hempagizer Protein Blast. Gluten Free is a bonus!

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Food for Thought… Body and Brain

Food for Thought… Body and Brain

Laura Noble
It takes 20-amino acids bonding together in a chain to form a protein. Hemp seed is super special because it contains all 20 amino acids! The body needs protein to form muscle, transport nutrients and to build and repair tissue. The protein you eat has a major influence on brain activity, your energy, and ability to focus. #EatSomeHemp

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We've got what you want... Clean Food

We've got what you want... Clean Food

Laura Noble
Hemp seeds have what you're looking for! Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Plant-Based Protein,Vegan, Vegetarian, Nutrient Dense, Clean Food, Sustainable and Earth Friendly #EatSomeHemp

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Cancer – Chemo – Cannabis

Cancer – Chemo – Cannabis

Laura Noble

Cancer – Chemo – Cannabis. Another side of what cannabis can do to combat cancer. Hemp is cannabis. Marijuana is cannabis. Hemp is NOT marijuana

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Laura Noble
Now that hemp has been removed from the CSA (Control Substance List), it's time to work on setting a few things straight! You won't fail a drug test from eating hemp seeds You won't get high from eating hemp seeds These silly incorrect notions have been floating around for years. (Even the most educated of people will make attempts to say they cannot eat hemp seeds because they can't take...

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Hemp Seeds the BEST Plant Based Protein

Hemp Seeds the BEST Plant Based Protein

Laura Noble
Move over chia, step aside flax, it’s time for hemp seeds to take center stages. They're your one stop crop for getting tough and buff! Hemp seeds provide maximum nutrition, minimum consumption. This plant-base protein food has more digestible protein than meat, eggs, cheese, fish, cow’s milk or any other high protein foods. Yup! That's right! The tiny hemp seed is chocked full of 20 amino acids, including the 9-essencial...

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