Hemp Oil - Extract vs Seed. Where's the CBD?!

Hemp Oil - Extract vs Seed. Where's the CBD?!

Laura Noble
Hemp oil has gained a great deal of attention over the past several months. It’s about time! Much of the hype is CBD. It's brought out many curious minds, even conservative folks and grandmas who are seeking a better quality of life. They're asking things like, "will taking those bcg's without tnt get my hands and shoulders feeling better so I can get back to my knitting? Thelma at church...

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Hemp, Cannabis, Marijuana

Hemp, Cannabis, Marijuana

Laura Noble
Cousin Mary Jane and Lady Jane Gourmet Seed Co is all about hemp! The most fundamental thing you can do for healthful body function is proper nutrition. Eating hemp provides maximum nutrition, minimum consumption.  Hemp is cannabis. Marijuana is cannabis. Hemp is NOT marijuana. Eating hemp won’t get you high or cause you to fail a drug test. Hemp seeds are a plant based protein that is packed with vitamins...

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December 20, 2018 Marks a Happy Day for Hemp!

December 20, 2018 Marks a Happy Day for Hemp!

Laura Noble
Hemp extracts, including CBDs derived from hemp plants are firmly identified as NOT being a controlled substance!

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